Monday 24 September 2007

School's in session!!

18-Sep-07 through 21-Sep-07

My first week of classes. It's like the first week of classes at Caltech. Except nothing like that in the slightest. (That's a good thing, me thinks.)

After a pre-term schedule re-vamp, my schedule is pretty cool: two biology and two geology courses. None of those pansy hum classes.

Structure and Function of Proteins is a 3rd year biochemistry course with a very descriptive title.
Evolutionary and Ecological Genetics is a 3rd year genetics course. I think it's my favorite.
Aquatic Systems is a 3rd year geology course about nice stuff like lakes and rivers.
Natural Hazards is a 2nd year geology course about scary stuff like tsunamis and earthquakes.


jshoretino said...


I'm so glad that school and life are going well for you. And glad to finally have a way to really keep up with you again. Love you lots and miss you!


Anonymous said...

i'm taking aquatic chemistry, which is like, ese142? and i guess we have ge122 which is hazard assessment
sounds like you're pretty much on track over there