Sunday 6 January 2008

NERD ALERT!!--Green's Mill

Who's the most awesome person to come from Nottingham? Robin Hood--I don't think so.

George Green! You know, Green's Theorem. It describes the relationship between a closed curve C and the two dimensional region that C encloses, D.

Green came up with his theorem with only one year of formal education. Most of the time he worked as a miller, in the windmill his father built.Yep, it really is a windmill! I'm sure George had plenty of time to think about math when he worked here, right in between hauling and grinding the grain.

That's me climbing around in the mill. Unfortunately, I did not prove a single thing whilst I was there.


Brittany said...

I loved learning about Green's Theorem. It made me feel really special for a couple weeks.

cinky ho said...

what the hell? some old miller guy beats me at math after one year of school??? is he responsible for those ridiculous green's functions too?

Anonymous said...

Who's the most awesome person to come from Nottingham? George Green--I don't think so

I'll let you figure out who is.

Unknown said...

your hair has gotten long! and i cut mine so we're almost the same length now!

Unknown said...

hahahaha....okay i just realized what the date was on this picture...makes more sense now. i was wondering how your hair grew that dumb.